At Stillwood, our mission drives us to offer incredible programs that serve our guests, campers, and youth. These programs require significant facilities to operate smoothly. Below is a list of all the current facility projects we are planning or actively completing. Each of these projects needs funding to reach fruition. We hope you will consider donating to help make these projects a reality.
Stillwood Dining Hall & Kitchen
Stillwood’s dish washer infrastructure is 15 years old. While we have a service contract for the dishwasher itself, the infrastructure connecting the dishwasher needs significant repairs or replacement.
Cost Estimate - $6000
Stillwood has 5 commercial ovens that are getting quite old. One of them has failed and 4 others are nearing failure. While we continue to repair these ovens we need to start to look at replacing them.
Cost Estimate - $5000 per Oven
Meeting Room Flooring
Stillwood has several meeting rooms that need to have their floor replaced.
Maple Meeting Room - Cost Estimate - $18,000
Columbia Meeting Room - Cost Estimate - $10,000
Dorm Flooring
Each of Stillwood’s dormitory buildings can accommodate up to 100 people. Due to heavy use, the carpets in these buildings have become damaged and need to be replaced with a more durable flooring solution.
Cost Estimate - $40,000
Office Flooring
The main floor of Stillwood’s office will need new flooring. While the existing flooring remains adequate for now, it will soon require replacement.
Cost Estimate - $10,000
Pool Heater
Stillwood’s pool heater is no longer operational. While the pool remains usable during the summer months, the water temperature is too low for guest groups to use it in the spring and fall.
Cost Estimate - $7000
Stillwood’s pool mechanical rooms need to have a revised venting solution
Cost Estimate - $1500
Roof Replacements
Maple Roof
The Maple Building’s roof is one of the largest and oldest at camp. Although we might get another 2–4 years out of it, it already has significant leaks that can no longer be reliably repaired.
Cost Estimate - $125,000
Directors House
The shingle roof on the Executive Director’s residence has only another 1–3 years of service left. It will need to be replaced before significant failure occurs.
Cost Estimate - $12,000
Septic System
Several pumps in our septic system are beginning to fail, and one of them urgently needs repairs.
Cost Estimate - $1000
Pump Controllers
Our septic system relies on a controller that dictates when and how the pumps operate. Unfortunately, this system has failed, forcing us to run the septic system manually. This controller needs to be replaced. Additionally, there is a second identical controller that, while currently working, will also need replacement soon.
Cost Estimate - $2000
Staff housing
Existing Building Renovations
The ongoing housing affordability crisis continues to affect everyone, including us here at Stillwood. In the past, only a small percentage of our staff lived on-site. Now, the vast majority do, with as many as 25 year-round staff members residing here and demand for housing continuing to grow. To address this issue, Stillwood has targeted several locations ideal for housing remodel projects.
Dogwood: Dogwood, our primary housing facility for seasonal staff, has a section well-suited for conversion into year-round living accommodations. Renovations on this suite have begun, but additional funding is needed to complete the project. Cost Estimate - $2500
Housing 4plex: Stillwood has a 2plex building that is currently modelled into 3 units. We plan on converting this into into 4 unit housing building. Cost Estimate - $4000
General Store: We have found that having both a general store and a coffee shop in close proximity within the camp is counterproductive and difficult to staff. Therefore, we have ceased using the general store and moved all its inventory into the coffee shop. The vacated building can be converted into housing, although significant renovations are required beforehand. Cost Estimate - $15,000
Motel 208: The Maple Building contains several motel rooms, one of which is a full live-in suite. This suite requires some attention and minor repairs to make it suitable for year-round housing. Cost Estimate - $1500
At Stillwood, all our lake-related programs require us to transport boats and campers to the waterfront. While the distance is short, it necessitates maintaining a fairly large fleet of vehicles capable of towing our equipment. Many of our tow-capable trucks are so old that repair costs are approaching or exceeding their own value. We need to invest in newer towing vehicles.
Cost Estimate - $7000-$12,000 per truck
Utility Vehicle
We are seeking funds for two small utility vehicles to enhance the efficiency of our maintenance and support staff. This onsite transport will enable our team to quickly reach all areas of our site, carrying the necessary tools and materials to keep our facilities running smoothly.
Cost Estimate - $5000-7000 per vehicle
Washing Machines
With 25 year-round staff and over 40 seasonal staff living full-time at Stillwood, there is a significant amount of laundry to handle. We need to replace several of our washing machines to accommodate this demand.
Cost Estimate - $2500
New Construction Development
Family Camp Housing
Over the past several years, Stillwood’s family camp program has become incredibly popular. Unfortunately, our current cabins are not ideal for hosting families—a challenge we’ve recognized for many years. We have conducted significant research into facilities that would better suit our family camps. Recently, we have revisited the idea of developing purpose-built facilities specifically for family camps. Additionally, we are considering using these new facilities for staff housing to meet our growing needs. There is still much research to be done, especially due to government-imposed restrictions on land use and construction. As we continue to explore and plan this project, we will post updates and specific plans here.
Cost Estimate -2+ million Dollars
Maintenance Yard Expansion
As we plan to add new infrastructure to Stillwood, some areas currently used to store vehicles and maintenance supplies will be repurposed. We have identified a better location for these maintenance activities, but this new site will require new storage facilities, power supply, and fencing.
Cost Estimate - $25,000
Maintenance Yard Expansion
As we plan to add new infrastructure to Stillwood, some areas currently used to store vehicles and maintenance supplies will be repurposed. We have identified a better location for these maintenance activities, but this new site will require new storage facilities, power supply, and fencing.
Cost Estimate - $25,000
Water System Upgrades
Although we have made significant water system upgrades over the past two years, much more remains to be done. As the local community in the Columbia Valley grows, demands on our water system are increasing every year. To ensure we have sufficient water, we need to complete further significant infrastructure upgrades.
Cost Estimate - $75,000