44005 Watt Road
Lindell Beach, BC V2R 4X9
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In 1958, the seeds of a remarkable venture were sown by a passionate group of individuals who shared a common vision for Christian camping. Thus, emerged the inception of Stillwood. Originally referred to as Columbia Bible Camp, this visionary idea took shape through the efforts of the Columbia Bible Camp Society. The initial phase of construction commenced in 1959 following the acquisition of a pristine 60-acre property.
Over the course of several decades, this unassuming camp underwent extensive development. A transformative journey began in 1997 with a comprehensive renovation of Columbia Bible Camp. The project encompassed the revival of every motel room, the replacement of cabins with charming new cottages that boasted an array of modern amenities, and the refurbishment of the retreat center.
To better align with its vast expansion and growing diversity of offerings, the camp sought a more fitting name. Consequently, in 2001, Columbia Bible Camp was renamed Stillwood Camp and Conference Centre—a title that better encapsulated the multifaceted dimensions of the facility.
As one of the largest camp and conference centers in British Columbia, Stillwood Camp and Conference Centre stands proudly. Accredited by esteemed organizations such as the BC Camping Association and the Fellowship of Christian Camps BC, this exceptional establishment is owned and operated by the BC Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches.
Having been blessed for generations, Stillwood is committed to propelling forward with its mission to nurture the growth of children and youth. With utmost dedication, we invite you to join us, whether as a cherished guest or as an integral part of our ministry. Experience the profound impact of Stillwood firsthand and partake in the incredible journey that awaits you.
Stillwood’s Church Partners
Stillwood is affiliated with the Mennonite Brethren Church of Canada. If you are curious about the Mennonite Brethren you can visit one of the following resources:
We are blessed to have many partner churches working along side our ministry here at Stillwood. Any of these churches below would love to hear from you and would be excited to answer any questions you may have.
Coquitlam/Port Coquitlam/Port Moody