Discover Outdoor Education

Looking to infuse a sense of adventure into your students' learning experience? Look no further than Stillwood Camp's Outdoor Education Program! Designed with the utmost care to engage students in a meaningful with the outdoors, our program is a safe and engaging space for students of all ages to develop a closer relationship with the outdoors. With our flexible modules, we are able to create a customised program that will seamlessly blend classroom teachings with captivating outdoor experiences.

To inquire or book your event, please email outdoored@stillwood.ca- we would love to explore with you and your students!

Outdoor Education is a chance for exploration in a safe and nurturing learning environment, while connecting with the space around you.

Our Modules

The following are modules designed to fit with BC Curriculum for K-12 students. Some modules are limited in availability, as we run them in partnership with Teachers In Training, from local universities. Those modules (indicated in the description) will be open for dates in May and June of each year. Please contact us at outdoored@stillwood.ca for further details if you would like to book a specific module. Our modules are designed for classrooms of 20-30 students.

Outdoor Education Specialty Module Dates for 2024: May 12-30th, 2025. Please contact us directly to inquire, or to arrange a date outside this time frame.

Please note that all modules take place outdoors, so students should be prepared with proper footwear (sneakers or hiking boots), weather appropriate clothing (rain jacket recommended for all seasons), and a water bottle. Modules will take place regardless of rain, so please be prepared.

Join Our Adventure!